Microsoft AI
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella spoke at Microsoft Innovate during his 2019 Australia tour. These 2 videos were screened during his Keynote. The Kakadu was the Hero piece of the Keynote.
Kakadu National Park is dual listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List for its outstanding natural and cultural values. Microsoft is partnering with CSIRO, NESP and Kakadu’s traditional owners, mixing artificial intelligence and modern science with Indigenous knowledge to solve complex environmental management problems, and care for significant species and habitats on Indigenous lands. This Australia-first project interprets drone-captured video using a combination of indigenous knowledge and Microsoft AI in an adaptive co-management approach to deliver better environmental outcomes in an ethical and responsible manner.
After an aircraft undergoes maintenance, Qantas engineers carry out engine runs to ensure the engines will perform as required. To do that engineers need to know their way around the flight deck – a task that can take up valuable and scarce flight simulator hours. Now HoloLens 2 is being trialed as an alternative digital training environment – with the added advantage of deeper data insights to strengthen the learner experience and outcomes, helping the airline with its number one priority – to keep passengers safe.