Kevin Bolleteau I Motion & Design

The Internet is not the internet when it's hungry

How do you extend the iconic ”You’re not you when you’re hungry” platform?
The Internet is normally a highly-tuned, efficient and productive machine. Feeding you what you want before you know you want it. This campaign aimed at demonstrating just how out-of-sorts a Hungry Internet can be.

Cookies are beginning to disappear from the internet.
The Hungry Internet flips online algorithms to feed people content that is the exact opposite of what they would normally get. Every piece of confusing content is a timely reminder to have a Snickers, so you don’t get hungry like the internet.

We created a range of assets to disrupt the user experience.
The campaign was displaying signs of hunger everywhere online, from YouTube to Snapchat, glitching out websites, chaotic chatbots, baffled banner ads and social channels, it has even misplaced its own Instagram password.
